Categorical CSV Template

This CSV is used as an input for Step 10. This CSV can be found under the Other_Scripts folder once PNET is downloaded.

  • Metagroup Field
    • This is the field which you want to metagroup things by. More explanation on metagroups can be found in the Step 10 instructions.
  • Metagroup Name
    • This is the name of the metagroup. For instance, if the metagroup field is [RS_Type], I may want the name to be ‘RiverStyles_Type’.
  • Grouping Field
    • This is the field which you want to group things by. More explanation on groups can be found in the Step 10 instructions.
  • Grouping Name
    • This is the name of the group. For instance, if the metagroup field is [geo_cond], I may want the name to be ‘GeoCondition’.
  • Y-Axis Fields
    • Put as many fields as you need to here, as long as they stay in the column. Add a new row for each field. Each row you enter here means one boxplot, grouped by the grouping field.

This CSV can handle many different metagroups and groups. Just add a new row with a new group, and it will recognize it as such. Don’t add new column headers, those should only be at the very top.